The Cridge Centre for the Family


About the ministry: The Cridge Centre for the Family's mission is to manifest the love of Jesus.

It is a place where people can find hope and direction when they are the most vulnerable and in need . . . a community of caring individuals who believe there’s more to social services than providing programs . . . because love is the bottom line.

You’ll find us in a number of locations in Greater Victoria. Our services include child care, supportive housing for families in economic or relationship crisis, services for women and children who have been impacted by relationship violence, respite care services for children with disabilities along with respitality support for their parents, a residence and other services for survivors of Brain Injury, as well as our Seniors’ Assisted Living Housing

Ministry FOCUS: Family support, Housing, Rehabilitation and Counselling, Seniors' care/support, Support for people with special needs, Transitional housing

Where we work: British Columbia

The Cridge Centre for the Family

1307 Hillside Ave, Victoria
BC Canada V8T 0A2
Fax: 250.384.5267  
Tel: 250.384.8058