About CCCC
The Canadian Centre for Christian Charities (CCCC) is an association of Canadian faith-based registered charities. Within the CCCC community, ministries find practical, expert resources to help fulfill their missions and demonstrate a compelling Christian witness. They choose to access our services to heighten their performance, enhance their sustainability, and stimulate their creativity. It is our goal that CCCC members become exemplary, healthy, and effective ministries.
Since 1983, we have been granting Accreditation to Christian charities that comply with CCCC standards. By rigorously assessing each charity, we are able to provide the public with an objective, third-party assessment of the charity’s financial and organizational integrity. You can find out more about CCCC by visiting our website or by contacting us directly.

Get in touch
Canadian Centre for Christian Charities
PO Box 335, STN Waterloo
Waterloo ON
N2J 4A4