World Vision Canada - Vision Mondiale Canada


About the ministry: World Vision is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
World Vision responds to humanitarian emergencies around the world, whether they are natural or man-made such as the civil conflict in Syria. With staff in nearly 100 countries, we are often already on the ground when disaster strikes. We are quick to deliver vital humanitarian assistance to children and families, providing special care and protection for unaccompanied children. We partner with other humanitarian organizations and advise governments on strategies for rebuilding.
In our development work, World Vision partners with communities to build better lives for children. Through child sponsorship, we help parents ensure that their children have improved access to health care, food, education and clean water. Our programming is innovative, sustainable, and responsive to the needs of the particular community.
World Vision wants to ensure that children's rights are recognized, no matter where they live. We advocate with Canada’s government on behalf of children everywhere, including those living in “fragile states” where governments overseas are either unable or unwilling to care for their countries’ most vulnerable children. In Canada, we press governments, corporations and individuals to consider their response to children forced into the worst kinds of child labour, urging greater transparency in global supply chains.

Ministry FOCUS: Clean water and sanitation, Emergency response care, Employment training, Environmental Programs, Food security, Gender equality, General Advocacy, General Education and Employment, General Healthcare, General Relief and Development, General Social Assistance, HIV/AIDS prevention, Human rights, Human trafficking and slavery, Leadership training, Literacy programs, Micro-enterprise/microfinance, Peacebuilding, Sponsorship, Sustainable agriculture

Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; Ontario; Afghanistan; Angola; Armenia; Bangladesh; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Brazil; Burundi; Cambodia; Chad; Chile; China; Colombia; Congo, The Democratic Republic of The; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Ethiopia; Georgia; Ghana; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; India; Indonesia; Israel; Jordan; Kenya; Korea, Democratic People's Republic of; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Lebanon; Lesotho; Malawi; Mali; Mauritania; Mexico; Mongolia; Montenegro; Mozambique; Myanmar; Nepal; Nicaragua; Niger; Pakistan; Palestinian Territory, Occupied; Peru; Philippines; Romania; Rwanda; Senegal; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South Africa; South Sudan; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Eswatini; Syrian Arab Republic; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; Uganda; Vanuatu; Viet Nam; Zambia; Zimbabwe

World Vision Canada - Vision Mondiale Canada

1 World Drive, Mississauga
ON Canada L5T 2Y4
Tel: 905.565.6100  
Toll Free: 866.595.5550  
Fax: 866.219.8620