About the ministry: Founded in 1992, VMC's Mission is:
To plant and invigorate churches
By nurturing, inspiring and collaborating with leaders
And cultivating a partnering network of churches
primarily in Canada.
VMC serves a network of over 140 diverse, multi-ethnic churches across Canada.
About half of these churches have history in the historic Brethren movement which focused on the restoration of N.T church life. Many are led by diaspora leaders ministering to new Canadians.
VMC helps plant new churches by working alongside church planters, established churches and also other partner agencies and denominations.
Together we can accomplish more for the kingdom than we possibly can on our own.
Ministry FOCUS: Church, Church Planting, Denominational Office, Discipleship/spiritual development, General Evangelism, Leadership training, Micro-enterprise/microfinance, Missions Agency, Resources for specific people groups
Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; Kenya
Vision Ministries Canada
145 Lincoln Rd, WaterlooON N2J 2N8
Toll Free: 877.509.5060
Tel: 519.725.1212