SIM Canada


About the ministry: SIM (Serving In Mission) began in 1893 as Soudan Interior Mission and through various mergers is now a global, interdenominational mission with close to 2,000 missionaries serving in over 70 countries worldwide including a growing number of missionaries serving in Canada. We are a community of God's people who delight to worship him and are passionate about the Gospel, seeking to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ in the world. The purpose of SIM is to glorify God by planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world as we evangelize the unreached, minister to human need, disciple believers into churches and equip churches to fulfill Christ's Commission.

Ministry FOCUS: Bible college/seminary, Bible printing and/or distribution, Bible translation, Camp, Christian broadcasting, Christian elementary school, Christian high school, Christian literature printing and/or distribution, Church, Church Planting, Clean water and sanitation, Dental, Discipleship/spiritual development, Emergency response care, Environmental Programs, ESL training, Family support, Food security, General Evangelism, Health education, HIV/AIDS prevention, Leadership training, Literacy programs, Medical, Micro-enterprise/microfinance, Missions Agency, Prison Ministry, Resources for specific people groups, Sustainable agriculture, Veterinary, Vision, Youth ministry

Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; Angola; Australia; Austria; Belgium; Benin; Bolivia; Botswana; Brazil; Burkina Faso; Central African Republic; Chile; China; Cote D'ivoire; Ecuador; Ethiopia; France; Germany; Ghana; Guatemala; Guinea; Hong Kong; India; Indonesia; Italy; Japan; Kenya; Korea, Republic of; Liberia; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Mauritius; Mongolia; Mozambique; Namibia; Nepal; Niger; Nigeria; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Reunion; Romania; Senegal; Singapore; South Africa; South Sudan; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; Togo; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay; Zambia; Zimbabwe

SIM Canada

10 Huntingdale Blvd, Scarborough
ON M1W 2S5
Fax: 416.497.2444  
Toll Free: 800.294.6918  
Tel: 416.497.2424