About the ministry: Mission: To demonstrate the love of Christ with those who are disadvantage, marginalized or troubled.
Vision: People investing in people, inspiring hope, transfoming life.
Five Ministry Areas:
Youth Justice - custody & detention facilities with related educational & reintegration programs for young offenders.
Youth Addictions - residential, day & community based treatment for youth aged 13-17 and their families, who are impacted by substance abuse.
Youth Employment - a 6 month training program focused on life & job skills through our Morning Glory Cafes.
Community Support - provides physical, emotional & spiritual support for people impacted by poverty, including meals, food hampers, & laundry access.
Refugee Support – short-term housing to refugee new arrivals through Welcome Home Refugee
Ministry FOCUS: Discipleship/spiritual development, Employment training, General Advocacy, General Education and Employment, General Social Assistance, Housing, Meals and Clothing, Prison Ministry, Rehabilitation and Counselling, Youth ministry
Where we work: Ontario
Ray of Hope Inc.
230 - 659 King St E, KitchenerON N2G 2M4
Tel: 519.578.8018
Fax: 519.578.8784