About the ministry: The Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton serves with Christian love and values human life by caring for, supporting, and equipping women and families. We believe life begins at conception and ends at natural death. The PWCM exists to serve the woman who feels pressured to make an abortion/choice they don’t want to make or have an abortion they don’t want to have. We provide pregnancy testing, prenatal and parenting classes, pregnancy loss support, post abortion support, and a variety of speciality classes related to families. We also provide limited healthcare services by offering Point of Care Ultrasound services, STI testing, and medical confirmation of pregnancy.
Ministry FOCUS: Family support, Health education, Medical, Pregnancy resource centre
Where we work: New Brunswick
Pregnancy & Wellness Centre of Moncton Inc.
27 John St, MonctonNB E1C 2G7
Second Phone: 506.857.3033
Fax: 506.861.1199
Tel: 506.857.3039