About the ministry: OneBook's Vision:
A world where everyone is able to experience the transforming power of God’s Word in their own language.
OneBook's Purpose: To resource national partners, empowering them to effect spiritual and social transformation through Bible translation, literacy and Scripture engagement programs in their own languages. OneBook has a fundamental belief that indigenous people in their country, among their own people, are the best suited to implement their own projects. OneBook’s role is to support and encourage them.
Ministry FOCUS: Bible printing and/or distribution, Bible translation, Children's evangelism, Christian literature printing and/or distribution, Church Planting, Discipleship/spiritual development, General Evangelism, Health education, Leadership training, Literacy programs, Resources for specific people groups
Where we work: -Restricted Access Countries; Cameroon; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Guinea-bissau; Kenya; Nigeria
700-1816 Crowchild Trail NW, CalgaryAB Canada T2M 3Y7
Fax: 403.444.0052
Toll Free: 877.475.4483
Tel: 403.444.0039