About the ministry: We are a community of believers serving Jesus Christ in a variety of capacities throughout British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Western Canada, and Washington State, Montana, and New Mexico in the USA. An increasing number of staff are First Nations Native believers.
Mission Statement:
NAIM is a multicultural team that exists to glorify God through building the Church by making disciples among North American Indigenous peoples, to reach the world for Christ. Although the words “evangelism” and “discipleship” are not in our mission statement, “making disciples” is all about evangelism and discipleship. This is the bread and butter of who we are.
Ministry FOCUS: Children's evangelism, Church Planting, Discipleship/spiritual development, General Evangelism, Missions Agency, Prison Ministry, Resources for specific people groups, Youth ministry
Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Saskatchewan; United States
North America Indigenous Ministries
PO Box 220, Stn A, AbbotsfordBC V2T 6Z6
Toll Free: 888.942.5468
Fax: 604.504.0178
Tel: 604.850.3052