About the ministry: Our Vision is to see lives and communities transformed amongst the peoples of Asia and the Arab world.
Our purpose is to make Jesus Christ known to the peoples of Asia and the Arab World.
Interserve is a global fellowship of ordinary Christians. We seek to bring tangible hope to people's lives in practical and wholistic ways. Using our professional skills and experiences and in partnership with the local church, we tackle marginalization and disadvantage.
With over 168 years of experience, we help, equip, send and support Christans to use nation-building skills by providing technical and humanitarian assistance in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
Partner with us and support this work. You can play an essential role and help send and pray for those who have been called to 'Go'.
Ministry FOCUS: Bible college/seminary, Christian literature printing and/or distribution, Church Planting, Construction (hospitals, schools, libraries), Discipleship/spiritual development, Employment training, ESL training, Family support, General Education and Employment, General Healthcare, General Relief and Development, General Social Assistance, Health education, Human trafficking and slavery, Leadership training, Literacy programs, Medical, Missions Agency, Peacebuilding, Sustainable agriculture, Youth ministry
Where we work: British Columbia; Ontario; Afghanistan; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Cambodia; China; Egypt; India; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia; Nepal; Pakistan; South Sudan; Thailand; Turkey
Interserve Canada (BMMF/International Service Fellowship)
10 Huntingdale Blvd, ScarboroughON Canada M1W 2S5
Fax: 416.499.4472
Tel: 416.499.7511