About the ministry: Intercede International seeks to establish, encourage and strengthen an indigenous, New Testament witness for our Lord Jesus Christ among all nations, by providing material and spiritual aid to Christians who are impoverished, few or persecuted; and to encourage Christian witness and ministry to the international community in Canada.
Citizens of "mission field" countries, are ready to go as missionaries.
They already know several local languages. They are fully adjusted to local climate, cultures, customs, food, water and living conditions.
Their work cannot be stopped by visa problems or changes in the government or political situation.
Best of all, they plant churches among unreached people where Christ is not known.
Tens of thousands of these missionaries are on the field right now.
Ministry FOCUS: Bible college/seminary, Bible printing and/or distribution, Bible translation, Camp, Children's evangelism, Christian broadcasting, Christian elementary school, Christian high school, Christian literature printing and/or distribution, Church, Church Planting, Clean water and sanitation, Construction (hospitals, schools, libraries), Discipleship/spiritual development, Donor-advised funds, Emergency response care, Family support, General Evangelism, General Relief and Development, Human trafficking and slavery, Literacy programs, Meals and Clothing, Medical, Micro-enterprise/microfinance, Missions Agency, Prison Ministry, Rehabilitation and Counselling, Resources for specific people groups, Sponsorship, Support for people with special needs, Sustainable agriculture, Youth ministry
Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; New Brunswick; Newfoundland and Labrador; Northwest Territories; Nova Scotia; Nunavut; Ontario; Prince Edward Island; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; Bhutan; Bolivia; Chad; China; Colombia; Cuba; Egypt; El Salvador; Ethiopia; Haiti; India; Indonesia; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kyrgyzstan; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Liberia; Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Niger; Nigeria; Pakistan; Palestinian Territory, Occupied; Peru; Philippines; Russian Federation; Sierra Leone; South Sudan; Syrian Arab Republic; Tajikistan; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; Turkey; Turkmenistan; Uganda; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States; Uzbekistan; Venezuela; Viet Nam
Intercede International
201 Stanton St, Fort ErieON Canada L2A 3N8
Tel: 905.871.1773
Toll Free: 800.871.0882
Fax: 905.871.5165