About the ministry: The EFCC serves in the birth and growth of families of dynamic EFC churches in Canada and around the world! Our vision is to become a network of mission and Spirit driven, reproducing churches. Our core values: The Gospel, Prayer, The Word, Diversity, People, the Local Church and Missional Camaraderie. With our international ministry arm, we focus on creatively helping people and churches engage in Spirit-directed ministry fitted with their gifting. We aim to:
* Reach countless numbers of people for Christ
* Demonstrate the Gospel through holistic ministry
* Train and equip next generation leaders who will influence nations
* Deploy gifted people who are willing to sacrifice and risk their lives for Jesus Christ
* Partner with the local church by facilitating its task of Global Mission.
Ministry FOCUS: Church Planting, Denominational Office, General Evangelism, General Relief and Development, Missions Agency, Resources for specific people groups
Where we work: Alberta; British Columbia; Manitoba; Ontario; Quebec; Saskatchewan; Yukon; -Restricted Access Countries; Bolivia; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Germany; Hungary; Japan; Kenya; Lebanon; Mexico; Mongolia; Nicaragua; Panama; Philippines; Rwanda; Spain; Thailand; Turkey; Uganda; Ukraine; Zimbabwe
Evangelical Free Church of Canada
Box 850, Langley Stn LCD1, LangleyBC V3A 8S6
Fax: 604.513.2079
Toll Free: 877.305.3322
Tel: 604.513.2183