About the ministry: The CAPCC extends grace, provides education & ongoing, compassionate support before, during & after pregnancy. Programs are free, confidential, & offered in a safe, non-judgmental environment regardless of age, race, income, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other circumstances.
The CAPCC has offices in Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, & Stettler, AB.
~Pregnancy Options Program
~Pregnancy and Birth Education
~Pregnancy-related Grief Support
~Post Abortion Support
~Parenting Education
~Maternity Home Program
~Healthy Relationship Education
~Male Mentorship
Ministry FOCUS: Pregnancy & Parenting Support, Pregnancy resource centre
Where we work: Alberta
Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre
5116 47 St, Red DeerAB T4N 1R9
Fax: 403.343.1738
Second Phone: 403.343.1619
Tel: 403.343.1611