About the ministry: Founded in 1892, Avant Ministries (formerly Gospel Missionary Union) is one of the oldest missionary sending agencies in North America. Over time, our methods have changed, but our objective has remained: we desire to plant churches where the church does not exist. Avant was the first evangelical mission to enter Ecuador and Mali. Today in those countries there are vibrant mature national churches.
Now, we’re initiating new works, continuing to plant churches among unreached people. With a faith focused on God’s power and ability we are building teams to serve in church planting and church support ministries. Our missionaries implement innovative techniques, strategically partnering with national believers to multiply the results.
Come join us and invest for eternity!
Ministry FOCUS: Camp, Christian elementary school, Christian high school, Church Planting, Clean water and sanitation, Discipleship/spiritual development, Human trafficking and slavery, Missions Agency
Where we work: Quebec; Argentina; Belgium; Bolivia; China; Colombia; Czech Republic; Ecuador; France; Germany; Greece; India; Italy; Jordan; Kenya; Mali; Mexico; Nepal; Panama; Poland; Portugal; Russian Federation; Senegal; Slovenia; South Sudan; Spain; Tanzania, United Republic of; Thailand; Timor-leste; Turkey; Ukraine; United States; Uruguay
Avant Ministries Canada
2121 Henderson Highway, WinnipegMB R2G 1P8
Fax: 204.339.3321
Tel: 204.338.7831