About the ministry: ABWE is determined, under God, to be a spiritually empowered family of servants committed to glorifying Him. We will follow Christ's command to preach the Gospel throughout the world. As representatives of our sending churches, we boldly evangelize, disciple, train leadership and establish reproducing churches in agreement with our doctrinal statement. We are committed to integrity, excellence, compassion, and accountability until our Lord returns.
Ministry FOCUS: Bible college/seminary, Bible printing and/or distribution, Bible translation, Camp, Christian broadcasting, Christian elementary school, Christian high school, Christian literature printing and/or distribution, Church, Church Planting, Construction (hospitals, schools, libraries), Discipleship/spiritual development, Emergency response care, ESL training, Family support, General Evangelism, Health education, Leadership training, Literacy programs, Medical, Missions Agency, Pregnancy resource centre, Prison Ministry, Resources for specific people groups, Sponsorship, Support for people with special needs, Youth ministry
Where we work: British Columbia; Ontario; Quebec; Argentina; Australia; Brazil; Cambodia; Cameroon; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Croatia; Czech Republic; Ecuador; France; Germany; Ghana; Haiti; Hong Kong; Hungary; India; Ireland; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Liberia; Mexico; Moldova, Republic of; Mongolia; Nepal; Nicaragua; Norway; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Portugal; Romania; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and The Grenadines; Slovakia; South Africa; Spain; Thailand; Togo; Trinidad and Tobago; Ukraine; United Kingdom; United States; Uruguay
ABWE Canada
34-980 Adelaide St S, LondonON Canada N6E 1R3
Fax: 519.690.1618
Tel: 877.690.1009
Business Phone: 519.690.1009